April 2, 2009

Funny you should ask...

I don't know. Really--I'm not entirely sure what this blog should be. I'm still in the empty room flagging down passersby, but it's quite nice to have the stage. 

So, where does this leave my collection of teenie thoughts? One day a preggo ah-ha moment, the next a rant on clients and tomorrow, if all goes well, maybe an exasperated commentary about the long-awaited wedding album that will eat up half of next month's mortgage. 

So to set everyone (or simply me, I suppose) straight: It's a blog about a girl in advertising with a monstrously expanding belly and a whole lot to go on and on about. 

I'll keep you posted. 


  1. Passerby flagged down.

    This is nice. Maintain your stage.

  2. Cheers, Jetpacks! Hooray on being my first guest. Did you like the welcome martini?

  3. I try not to drink around pregnant women. They get jealous.
